
Frankenstein is a book written by Mary Shelley and is about a scientists who goes off and creates this monster. This book was first printed in December of 63' but the Miller foreword was printed August of 200o.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mary Shelley

Author Mary Shelley shows Dr. Frankenstein unable to take care of and/or  "mother" the creature because he has no experience in that area. The point that she is trying to get across to her audiance is that the women in that era where known for taking care of the kids while the men worked. In showing how hard the job was showing how hard a woman's job really was in that time by having to watch the children, clean the house, and tend to the yard. 

Victor Frankenstein

Dr. Victor Frankenstein was over-worked and stressed out but a very deicated scientist. DR. Frankenstein left his family only to whether or not he could make and/or duplicate a person. In that he discovered many things as well as make a creature.

The Genome Project

The HGP is important to this book because Dr. Frankenstein was using DNA replication and such to try to make the creature. In studing the DNA and how it works he was doing what the people who are behing the HGP are doing trying to find different ways to place your DNA.

The Creature

Frankensteins creature had to of been one of the biggest victims just because he didn't know much and was the product of an scientific experiment. Being that he was an experiment he had to suffer through all of the test.